VM Karthika, Archana Tiwari
School of Biotechnology, Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India.
HIV 2 is pandemic in West African countries. High genetic variability is an important characteristic of HIV due to its fast replication cycle, high error rate and recombinogenic properties of reverse transcriptase. Infectivity in HIV 2 is found in vif, vpx, vpr and nef genes. Signal processing tools which includes symbolic – to – digital mapping of nucleotides and amino acids on the basis of genetic code, reflecting better their structure and degeneracy, is used for the conversion of genomic data into digital sequences. It is investigated by phase analysis, nucleotide – path analysis, independent component analysis, cluster analysis and phylogenetic tree analysis. HIV variability can be described by these digital derivative signals and variability signals with respect to average, median and maximum flat references. Various mathematical tools like Fourier transform, Digital filtering technique, Karhunen – Loeve like transforms are used as signal processing methods. Based on genomic signal methods and on statistical techniques, this review defines the study of infective gene of HIV 2 variability. Since the past studies have been focused upon molecular and genetic level, now the researchers emphasize on the signal analysis of HIV 2 gene variability. So the aim of this review is to correlate the present and future aspects of variability of HIV 2 at genomic level. Read More …