Inderjit Singh Yadav, Dhwani Raghav, Subhash Mohan Agarwal
Bioinformatics Division, Institute of Cytology and Preventive Oncology (icmr), I-7, Sector-39, Noida-201301, India.


Evolution is a natural phenomenon occurring in nature that creates pressure on the organism for its survival. Evolutionary novelties are brought about by the changes in gene interactions which may gives rise to new gene functions or genes with altered activities resulting in diseased states. Therefore, the evolution rate of the genes can be used to answer a number of biological questions related to population process, species diversification, conservation biology and diseases occurrences. If the genes are fast evolving this means that an equilibrium state in its function is not reached, so it keeps mutating to achieve a better or a modified function. This fast mutation rate can lead to the formation of highly species specific protein module or an intermediate highly disturbed disease state. While there are a set of genes, in which the mutation rate is less. These can be stated as slow evolving genes. Therefore, we have developed a comprehensive database of whole human proteome so that one can identify the rapidly and slowly evolving human genes based on the synonymous and non-synonymous substitution changes occurring in them and their relationship with the diseased state like cancer.   Read More …

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