• Omar Hussein Ahmed
  • College of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmacognosy, University of Tikrit, Iraq.
  • Email: pharmacognosy88@gmail.com.


Aromatic oils found in many plants are called essential oils. Essential oils are extracted from plants and utilized in various fragrances, foods, medications, and cleaning items. Essential oils, thought to include molecules that a plant utilizes to fight illnesses and fight against bacteria and parasites, have been called the "lifeblood" of a plant by some scientists. The flowers were from Tikrit, Iraq, nurseries. The oil from the flowers was extracted using a Clevenger after the flowers were rinsed completely. Weigh out 10 grams of flower and put it into a 500-milliliter round-bottom flask. Combine the 150 mL of distilled water. Extract oil from the flower by starting a Clevenger-type distillation, turning on the heating mantle for 2 hours, collecting the oil in a tiny measuring cylinder, and then testing the oil for GC-MS and antioxidant action. Different chemical elements of the Jasmine flower were identified based on their limited peak area, retention time, and molecular formula, as shown in the chromatogram generated by the GC-MS. Flower oil was analyzed, and 10 chemical components were present, each with a unique peak area percentage. The antioxidant activity of gardenia was studied using the 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) assay, the most commonly used method for testing plant extracts for antioxidant properties. The stable free radical DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) is associated with an extra electron.

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