• Juan Zhu, Faridah Mohd Said, Chun Hoe Tan
  • Ph.D Candidate, Faculty of Nursing, Lincoln University College (LUC), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 47301.
  • Email: zhu.juan@lincoln.edu.my.
  • Professor, Faculty of Nursing, Lincoln University College (LUC), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 47301.
  • Email: faridah.msaid@lincoln.edu.my.
  • Dr., Department of Biotechnology, Faculty of Applied Science, Lincoln University College (LUC), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  • Email: chunhoe@lincoln.edu.my.


Objective: To examine the validity and reliability of the Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Checklist-Civilian version (PCL-C) among high-risk pregnancy women and to determine the scale's stability. Methods: The Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Checklist-Civilian version was administered to 200 women with high-risk pregnancies who were rechecked around 1~3 months postpartum. Furthermore, 50 women with high-risk pregnancies in this population were subjected to a second examination 2 weeks later. The validity and reliability of the scale were assessed using a thorough evaluation strategy. This approach included analyzing the properties of the scale items as well as assessing their structural validity, convergent validity, discriminant validity, and internal consistency. Results: The total PCL-C scale exhibited a Cronbach's α of 0.972, a folded-in reliability coefficient of 0.95, and a retest reliability of 0.975, respectively. The validated factor analysis showed an excellent structural goodness-of-fit (x2/df=1.713, RMSEA=0.047, GFI =0.902 CFI =0.979, TLI= 0.973, IFI=0.979); Each Estimate >0.5, the mean-variance of variance AVE> 0.5. Furthermore, the combined reliability (CR) > 0.8 demonstrates an optimal scale convergent validity. each dimension has a significant correlation (p<0.01), the absolute value of the correlation coefficient is <0.5, and all of them are smaller than the square root of the corresponding AVE, which indicates the scale data's discriminant validity is ideal. Conclusion: The PCL-C scale is reliable and has a stable structure. It can be used to measure the status of postpartum PTSD in high-risk pregnant women, which can help assess the psychological outcome of high-risk pregnant women.

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