Pooja Asnani, Chandu Giriyapura Shivalingappa, Sunil Kumar Mishra, Kirti Somkuwar, Faisal Khan
Department of Maxillofacial Prosthodontics and Implantology, Rishiraj College of Dental Sciences and Research Centre, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India.
DOI: 10.4103/0976-9668.149239


Creating prosthesis, having realistic skin surface and seamless visual integration with the surrounding tissues, requires both artistic and technical skill. Anatomical design, thin margins, lifelike fingernails and realistic color/contours are essential for patient satisfaction. Prosthesis is especially useful in case of lost body parts, as reconstructive surgery cannot fully restore aesthetics. This case report describes a simple technique for fabricating silicon finger prosthesis for a patient.

Keywords: Finger amputation, finger prosthesis, silicone elastomers.

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