Vivek Ambedkar1, Abhilash Singh2, Jayanta Bain3, Lal Mani Singh4
1Department of Plastic Surgery, University College of Medical Sciences and GTB Hospital, New Delhi, India.
2Department of General Surgery, University College of Medical Sciences and GTB Hospital, New Delhi, India
3Department of Plastic Surgery, Institute of Post Graduate Medical Education and Research, Kolkata, West Bengal, India.
4Department of General Surgery, SS Medical College, Rewa, Madhya Pradesh, India.
DOI: 10.4103/0976-9668.160038


We report a rare case with herniation of the uterus, fallopian tube, and ovary in a femoral hernia. A female patient was admitted with complain of the painful lump in the left groin. Clinical examination indicated strangulated femoral hernia, which necessitated an emergency surgery. During surgical procedure, the uterine tube, left fallopian tube and left ovary, were observed as the contents of the hernia. The contents were reduced back into the pelvic cavity, and the hernia was repaired. The patient made good recovery postsurgery.

Keywords: Fallopian tube, femoral hernia, ovary, uterus.


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