Malavika Anakkathil Anil, Jayashree S Bhat
Department of Audiology and Speech- Language Pathology, Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal, Karnataka, India.
DOI: 10.4103/jnsbm.JNSBM_186_19


Adolescence is a transitional phase requiring explicit attention to the changes in cognitive-communicative development. The foundation of cognitive-communicative development enables an adolescent to function at advanced language levels by not only mastering the preliminary skills of developing language but also learning language required for intensive social interactions. Adolescence comprises several challenging situations and tasks that may impact the overall well-being of adolescents by exposing them to a variety of conditions that can influence their decisions and lifestyles, all of which are heavily reliant on cognitive-communication. Subsequently, the renegotiation and instability upsurge the possibility for both internal and external conflicts, making adolescents vulnerable. The cognitive-communicative changes influence not only the transitioning phase but also the entire life course, thereby making it critical to understand the cognitive-communicative changes that take place during adolescence. The review elaborates on the significant cognitive-communicative changes observed in adolescents and various factors that influence the process.

Keywords: Adolescent, cognitive-communication, development, education.

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