Naveen Jacob Varghese, Venkitachalam Ramanarayanan, Chandrashekar Janakiram, Joe Joseph
Department of Public Health Dentistry, Amrita School of Dentistry, AIMS, Kochi, Kerala, India.
DOI: 10.4103/jnsbm.JNSBM_108_17
Background: The medical prescription is a valid and legal document. Prescriptions can also be used as a measure of the quality of medical education, observance of the laws and regulations, and sociocultural beliefs. Aims: To assess the quality of prescription written by dental and medical students and practitioners. Settings and Design: A cross-sectional study was conducted in three dental and two medical colleges in Kerala covering 345 participants (dental – 235 and medical – 110). Materials and Methods: Simulation exercise was conducted for drafting a model prescription based on a given clinical condition. The variables were identified based on the model prescription format by the Medical Council of India and were classified into four domains. Points were assigned for each variable. Statistical Analysis Used: Analysis was performed using descriptive statistics and Mann–Whitney U-test. Results and Conclusion: The total scores were found to be higher among dental fraternity (10.93 ± 2.88) to medical (10.81 ± 2.55). The medical house surgeons and postgraduates fared better in the doctor identification domain. Among the dental professionals, there was a significant difference among the undergraduates (mean score = 1.91) and postgraduates (mean score = 1.60) in the doctor identification domain. However, among the medical professionals, in the patient identification domain, house surgeons had a significantly higher score compared to postgraduates. There were no significant differences in quality of prescription writing among medical and dental professionals.
Keywords: Dentistry, Drugs, Medicine, Prescription.