Precision Medicine: Leading Medical Research to Change Life Results

Precision medicine: Leading medical research to change life results

Hariyono WinartoScientific Editorial Board of Writing Center, Indonesian Medical Education and Research Institute, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia.DOI: 10.4103/0976-9668.275607 ...
Table 2: Correlation between perceived closeness dimension and psychological well‑being

The impact of coresidence with the children on the relationship between perceived closeness and psychological well-being of the elderly

Annies Sekar Firdausi, Lathifah HanumDepartment of Clinical Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, Jawa Barat, IndonesiaDOI: 10.4103/jnsbm.JNSBM_16_19 ABSTRACT Introduction: ...
CaO2 between POCD and non‑POCD groups. The CaO2 was similar at all time points except post‑CPB, at which time it was lower in the POCD group. CaO2: oxygen content, POCD: Postoperative cognitive dysfunction, CPB: Cardiopulmonary bypass

Effect of oxygen content on postoperative cognitive dysfunction in patients undergoing open-heart surgery

Ratna Farida Soenarto, Aditya ArbiDepartment of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia.DOI: 10.4103/jnsbm.JNSBM_28_19 ABSTRACT ...
The comparison of prothrombin time, albumin, and fibrinogen in each aminotransferase-to-platelet ratio index group. The significant difference was sign with*, and no sign for no significant difference

Prothrombin time, albumin, and fibrinogen values of the liver cirrhosis stages based on the aspartate aminotransferase-to-platelet ratio index

Yusra Yusra, Claudio AgustinoDepartment of Clinical Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia — Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia.DOI: 10.4103/jnsbm.JNSBM_59_19 ...
Receiver operating characteristic curve of the National Early Warning Score for predicting mortality in the emergency room

Association between the national early warning score and the mortality among neuroemergency patients

Ramdinal Aviesena Zairinal, Mohammad KurniawanDepartment of Neurology, Faculty of Medicine, Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia.DOI: 10.4103/jnsbm.JNSBM_87_19 ABSTRACT ...
Marlau™ cage

Effect of continuous environmental enrichment and aerobic exercise on rat plasma and hippocampal brain-derived neurotrophic factor

Sri Redjeki Prasetyo, Sophie Yolanda, Kesit IvanaliDepartment of Medical Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia.DOI: 10.4103/jnsbm.JNSBM_20_19 ABSTRACT Objective: ...
(a) Effects of P4 on tyrosine phosphorylation, caspase‑3, and Akt phosphorylation were analyzed using western immunoblotting. Sperms were treated with progesterone (P4) at different concentrations indicated on top of the figure. P4 increased tyrosine phosphorylation and caspase‑3 at P4 = 500 ng/mL. P4 stimulated Akt activation at P4 = 750 ng/ml at the same dose when caspase‑3 activation decreased. (b) Band intensities for tyrosine phosphorylation (black bars) and caspase‑3 activation (gray bars) were measured using ImageJ software. It showed an increase in tyrosine phosphorylation and caspase‑3 at P = 500 ng/ml. (c) Band intensities of Akt phosphorylation in human spermatozoa after P4 treatment indicating a significant increase at a concentration of P = 750 ng/ml

Progesterone increases capacitation and exerts a prosurvival effect in sperm via Akt activation

Dwi Ari Pujianto1, Sisca Sisca2, Luluk Yunaini11Department of Biology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia.2Master Program for Biomedical Sciences, ...
Adverse drug reactions of the study participants

Associations between the adverse drug reactions and the tuberculosis treatment dropout rates at the Cempaka Putih Islamic Hospital in Jakarta, Indonesia

Indrianti Asril, Vivian Soetikno, Purwantyastuti AscobatDepartment of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia.DOI: 10.4103/jnsbm.JNSBM_31_19 ABSTRACT Objective: ...
Table 3: Age as dominant risk factor of dry eye syndrome among air traffic controllers

Risk factors of dry eye syndrome in the soekarno-hatta airport’s air traffic controllers

Syougie Ali1, Dewi Friska1, Soemardoko Tjokrowidigdo21Department of Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia.2Suryanto Aviation and Aerospace Health ...
Gel image of polymerase chain reaction optimization for exon 9 at six different temperatures. The expected band was obtained in the range between 50°C and 60°C, with no multiple bands. The annealing temperature can be selected as 60°C (M: 1 kb DNA ladder from Geneaid)

Identification of a deletion variant in exon 9 of iduronate-2-sulfatase gene in patients with type II mucopolysaccharidosis

Rizky Priambodo1, Yulia Ariani2, Damayanti Rusli Sjarif31Human Genetic Research Center, Indonesian Medical Education and Research Institute, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia.2Human ...
Study design with timeline measurement (above) and dive protocol (below)

Effects of nitrox II during a single decompression dive on endothelial nitric oxide synthase expression and flow-mediated dilation among trained male divers

Ika Rahma Mustika Hati, Guritno Suryokusumo, Ambar Wahyuningsih RoestamDepartment of Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia.DOI: 10.4103/jnsbm.JNSBM_88_19 ...
Table 2: Bivariate analysis

Predictors of 3-month mortality in elderly patients visiting the emergency department: A retrospective cohort study

Syafitri Yuliani1, Aulia Rizka2, Ceva Wicaksono Pitoyo3, Muhadi Muhadi41Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo National Hospital, ...
Relationship between blood flow rate and physical composite summary score

Relationship between blood flow rate and quality of life in patients undergoing hemodialysis

Pringgodigdo Nugroho1, Jeremia Immanuel Siregar2, Rudi Putranto3, Cleopas Martin Rumende41Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Nephrology and Hypertension, Faculty of ...
Results of digestion of DNA from a Gaucher disease patient (P1) and two non‑Gaucher disease normal controls (wt1 and wt2) with NciI restriction enzyme. Product length is indicated by the markers (M)

Screening for exonic mutation L444P in Indonesian patients with gaucher disease using exons 9–11

Rabbil Pratama Aji1, Rizky Priambodo2, Cut Nurul Hafifah3, Damayanti Rusli Sjarif31Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas ...
The checklist for ophthalmologic examination in leprosy proposed in this study

Validation of assessment tools for the early detection of ocular involvement in leprosy

Vania Vashti Lasrindy1, Sri Linuwih Menaldi1, Shannaz Nadia Yusharyahya1, Yunia Irawati21Department of Dermatology and Venereology, Faculty of Medicine, Dr. Cipto ...
Stromal phenotypes: (a) stroma with myxoid changes regarded as immature; (b) intermediate stroma, keloid‑like collagen fibers were intermixed with mature stroma; (c) mature stroma, fine mature collagen fibers were stratified into multiple layers. Light microscopy, ×10 objective lens; H and E staining

Determination of cancer-associated fibroblast and stromal phenotypes as novel prognostic factors for colorectal carcinomas associated with tumor budding

Noza Hilbertina1, Nurjati Chairani Siregar2, Murdani Abdullah3, Septelia Inawati Wanandi41Doctoral Program in Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta; ...
Management of intellectual property rights in India: An updated review

The impact of caregiving on anxiety and depression symptoms in caregivers of hospitalized geriatric patients

Steven Sutanto Sihombing1, Rudi Putranto2, Kuntjoro Harimurti3, Ikhwan Rinaldi41Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, ...
Recent advances in the diagnosis and treatment of childhood tuberculosis

Contribution of a program of insecticide treated nets for reducing malaria prevalence in Kori Subdistrict, Southwest Sumba

Saleha Sungkar1, Didit Fathurrahman2, Stanley Buntaran2, Aria Kekalih31Department of Parasitology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia.2Undergraduate Medical Program, Faculty ...
Relative expression of manganese superoxide dismutase mRNA in aldehyde dehydrogenase 1‑positive breast cancer stem cells after in vitro transfection of 33 and 66 μM Manganese superoxide dismutase small interfering RNA. The mRNA relative expression levels of Manganese superoxide dismutase were analyzed using quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction and calculated using Livak formula. Data of treated cells were normalized to the mock cells (cells without treatment) and compared to the negative control small interfering RNA. Data were presented in mean ± standard error of the mean. Statistical analysis was performed using a t‑test independent assay compared to mock cells and negative control small interfering RNA. *P < 0.05 and **P < 0.01 compared to the mock cells, and ##P < 0.01 compared to negative control small interfering RNA (independent t‑test)

In vitro transfection of manganese superoxide dismutase small interfering rna suppresses stemness of human breast cancer stem cells (aldehyde dehydrogenase 1-positive): Focus on OCT4 mRNA expression and mammosphere-forming capacity

Sekar Arumsari1, Dimas Ramadhian Noor2, Syarifah Dewi3, Resda Akhra Syahrani1, Septelia Inawati Wanandi41 Molecular Biology and Proteomics Core Facilities, Indonesian ...
Table 1: Laryngopharyngeal reflux based on alcohol consumption status (n=26)

The relationship between laryngopharyngeal reflux based on pepsin value and clinical characteristics of laryngeal cancer patients

Susyana Tamin1, Indah Saraswati1, Bambang Hermani1, Ina Susianti Timan2, Saptawati Bardosono31Department of Otorhinolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas ...
Chromosomal status of tripronuclear embryos on day 3 according to Veeck’s classification criteria

Relationship between morphology of tripronuclear embryo and chromosomal abnormalities potential in intracytoplasmic sperm injection cycles

Shanty Olivia Jasirwan1, Pritta Ameilia Iffanolida1, Victor Prana Andika Santawi1, Dewi Friska2, Budi Wiweko31Division of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility, Department ...
Polymerase chain reaction optimization result for GALNS‑ID Exon 5 primers

Identification of a novel variant in exon 5 of galactosamine (N-acetyl)-6-sulfatase gene in mucopolysaccharidosis IVA patients in Indonesia

Nurul Muhammad Prakoso1, Rizky Priambodo2, Yulia Ariani3, Cut Nurul Hafifah4, Damayanti Rusli Sjarif41Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural ...
Table 3: Associations between the muscle mass index and the frailty status

Association between the muscle mass index and physical frailty in geriatric outpatients

Purwita Wijaya Laksmi1, Nur Ainun2, Bambang Setyohadi3, Siti Setiati1, Anna Ariane3, Gunawan Tirtarahardja41Division of Geriatric, Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty ...
Mutations identified within exon 8 of the IDS gene in mucopolysaccharidosis II patients. (a) Deletion mutation c.1023delA. (b) Missense mutation c.1033T>C. (c) Deletion mutation c.1041delA. Highlighting indicates conserved amino acids within a column (generated using BioEdit software)

Mutation analysis of exon 8 of the iduronate-2-sulfatase gene in mucopolysaccharidosis type II patients in Indonesia

Anggia Nurwulan Kusno Putri1, Rizky Priambodo2, Yulia Ariani3, Steven Arianto4, Damayanti Rusli Sjarif51Human Genetic Research Center, Indonesian Medical Education and ...
Comparison of the hospital stay durations (%) of the study population (RI: Renal impairment)\

IIIB-plus: A new classification recommended for stage IIIB cervical cancer patients with renal impairment

Laila Nuranna1, Puja Agung Antonius1, Alfu Nikmatul Laily2, Fitriyadi Kusuma1, Kartiwa Hadi Nuryanto11Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Division of Gynecology ...
Brain type and emotional problem categorized by gender

The relationship between empathy, prosocial behavior, peer relationships, and emotional problems in elementary schoolchildren in Indonesia

Eloisa Nathania1, Kindah Mahdiyyah1, Kamila Ratu Chaidir1, Yudi Reza Phalapi1, Tjhin Wiguna21Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia.2Department of Psychiatry, ...
IVS9 sequence comparison of two patients with Gaucher disease and thirty nonGaucher disease control (WT)

Screening of intronic mutation IVS9+141A>G in an Indonesian patient with Gaucher disease

Rabbil Pratama Aji1, Ika Citay Lestari1, Rizky Priambodo2, Cut Nurul Hafifah3, Damayanti Rusli Sjarif31Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and ...
Receiver operating characteristic curve of the calf circumference used to estimate the skeletal muscle index of the male patients

Diagnostic merit of using the calf circumference to estimate the muscle mass as a component of sarcopenia in elderly outpatients

Purwita Wijaya Laksmi1, Siti Hapsari Mitayani2, Bambang Setyohadi3, Muhadi Muhadi4, Anna Ariane3, Gunawan Tirtarahardja51Division of Geriatric, Department of Internal Medicine, ...
Patients’ flowchart for ESR1 mutation analysis. ER: Estrogen receptor

Evaluation of sanger sequencing method for ESR1 mutation detection in primary breast tumor

Ramadhan Karsono1, Adhitya Bayu Perdana2, Fahreza Saputra2, Yulia Pratiwi3, Ayu Nurdiantika Sari4, Abi Abinawanto41Department of Surgical Oncology; Department of Research ...
Interval training scheme

The effect of interval versus continuous training on actin and myosin heavy chain levels in adult rat skeletal muscle

Nurul Paramita1, Sari Tri Yulianti2, Dewi Irawati Soeria Santoso1, Sri Widia A Jusman3, Delima Enggar Maretha4, ErmitaI I Ibrahim Ilyas11Department ...
Proliferator‑activated receptor gamma coactivator‑1α level after 8 weeks of treatment. Data mean standard error, P < 0.01 between groups. A post hoc Games‑Howell test showed P < 0.01 between continuous training versus interval training

Effect of interval and continuous training on proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator-1α and lactate dehydrogenase B levels in adult rat heart

Dewi Irawati Soeria Santoso1, Trimar Handayani1, Delima Engga Mareta1, Nurul Paramita1, Sri Widia A Jusman2, Ermita I Ibrahim Ilyas11Department of ...
Baseline characteristics of residents in 2012 and 2017

Learning environment assessment on the pediatric residency program at Dr. Moewardi Hospital, Surakarta, Indonesia

Annang Giri Moelyo, Muhammad Riza, Fadhilah Tia Nur, Hari Wahyu Nugroho, Sri Martuti, Dwi Hidayah, Endang Dewi Lestari, Harsono SalimoDepartment ...
Proportion of dysglycemia in taxi drivers

Estimating the incidence of prediabetes and type 2 diabetes among taxi drivers in Indonesia

Tri Juli Edi Tarigan1, Erni Hernawati Purwaningsih2, Yusra3, Murdani Abdullah4, Nafrialdi5, Joedo Prihartono6, Made Ratna Saraswati7, Abdullah Shidqul Azmi8, Imam ...
Gel electrophoresis result

Embryo fragmentation and its relationship with aneuploidy

Naylah Muna1, Budi Wiweko2, Pritta Ameilia Iffanolida1, Oki Riayati1, Kresna Mutia1, Ririn Rahmala Febri1, Eliza Mansur3, Tita Yuningsih3, Andon Hestiantoro21Human ...
Demographic characteristics of the patients

Outcomes and complications of cataract surgery in Indonesia: A multicentric study

Nur Aisyah Rahmawati1, Randy Sarayar2, Annisa Nindiana Pertiwi3, Herdanti Rahma Putri1, Arnes Tasya Citra Anggini4, Nizma Permaisuari1, Andrew John Widya ...
Clinical presentation of exogenous ochronosis in the patient

Exogenous ochronosis: Screening by dermoscopy and histopathological confirmation

Melyawati Hermawan1, Irma Bernadette Simbolon Sitohang2, Sondang Pandjaitan Sirait21Department of Dermatology and Venereology, Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia, Jakarta, ...