Shailza Singh
National Centre for Cell Science, NCCS Complex, Pune University Campus, Pune 411007, India.


Computational systems biology aims to develop a class of integrated mathematical, computational and experimental techniques with the goal of linking the knowledge of different molecular parts of a living cell in comprehending the structure, dynamics, control and design of biological systems. Systems based biological concordance offers predictive reproducibility in infectious diseases. Looking at diseases as ‘perturbation of networks’ can provide such a framework which may provide insights from systems biology into the practicalities of personalized, preventive, predictive and participative medicine. In number of diseases lipid metabolism plays an important role. Moreover, lipids play an active role in a variety of dynamic processes involving the membranes that compartmentalize the cell. To achieve this, cell must regulate the mechanical properties of the membrane and it can do so partly by controlling its lipid composition. The underlying biophysical question is to understand the variability and chemical diversity of membrane lipid composition, the mechanical properties of the membrane and the associated protein functions. It may be possible to move beyond the characterization of membranes to explore the thermodynamic and kinetic features governing the membrane binding and transport. This may be directly applied to the design and optimization of liposomal delivery systems. Here, the emphasis is laid onto modeling the lipid biosynthetic network as an integrated system in which the biochemical and biophysical descriptions of the metabolic network are fundamentally linked.  Read More …

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