Lopamudra B John, S Nischintha, Seetesh Ghose
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute, Pondicherry, India
DOI: 10.4103/0976-9668.127316
Introduction: The art of forceps delivery though existing for centuries has earned a disreputation due to the possibility of poor maternal and fetal outcome. However, its safe use can reduce the rising cesarean section rates in the present times. This study is to see the outcome of its use in a teaching hospital over a 2 year period. Materials and Methods: In this retrospective observational study, 120 cases of forceps delivery were studied for maternal outcome such as injuries, postpartum hemorrhage, and fetal outcome such as Apgar score at birth, neonatal intensive care unit admissions, injury, and mortality. Results: The most common indication was fetal distress (47.5%). A total of 15 cases (12.5%) of maternal injuries occurred, with 2 uterine ruptures one of which was in a previous lower segment caesarean section case, 4 complete perineal tears and 9 minor cervical and vaginal lacerations. A total of 12 babies (10%) had poor Apgar scores who recovered after resuscitation and one out of them died, which was a case of multiple instrumentation. Conclusion: Forceps is a reasonable option for the obstetrician to reduce the caesarean section rates; however, extreme caution, proper expertise and judicial use of this instrument are required to prevent undue risk to mother and fetus.
Keywords: Fetal outcome, forceps, injuries,maternal outcome