CML patients: Decoding the miRNA Transcriptome
Candida Vaz1, Richa Bharti1, Rashi Gupta1, Priyatama Pandey1, Hafiz Ahmed2, Lalit Kumar3, Ritu Kulshreshtha4, Alok Bhattacharya51School of Computational and Integrative ...

Computational study of the folded structure of the miniprotein CLN025 in explicit and implicit solvents
A Rodriguez1, MP Mokoena2, F Corcho1, K Bisetty2, JJ Perez11Department d' Enginyeria Quimica (UPC) ETS d'Enginyers Industrials, Av.Diagonal, 647, 08028 ...

Structural and functional classification of RNA structures: Efforts and applications
Dhananjay Bhattacharyya1, Sukanya Halder1, Stephanie Kaypee2, Shubhra Sankar Ray31Biophysics Division, Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata, India.2Jawharlal Nehru Center for ...

Physicochemical Features of Interfaces and Quaternary States of Hemoglobin
Pinak ChakrabartiDepartment of Biochemistry and Bioinformatics Centre, Bose Institute, Kolkata 700054, India. ABSTRACT To understand the physicochemical features underlying molecular ...

The use of bioinformatics methods in general anaesthetics research
PL ChauBioinformatique Structurale CNRS URA 2185 Institut Pasteur 75724 Paris, France. ABSTRACT Modern medicine, especially surgery, would not have been ...

Biomolecular mechanism discovery driven by computational biology: Functions of uncharacterized genes
Frank EisenhaberDirector - Bioinformatics Institute (BII) Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) 30 Biopolis Street #07-01, Matrix Building, 138671, ...

Structural and biochemical studies of Serine Acetyltransferase reveal why the parasite Entamoeba histolytica cannot form Cysteine Synthase complex
Sudhir Kumar1, Isha Raj1, Isha Nagpal1, N Subbarao2, S Gourinath11School of Life Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi-110067, India.2School of ...

Global Optimization by Conformational Space Annealing And its Applications to Various Biological Systems
Jooyoung LeeCenter for In Silico Protein Science & School of Computational Sciences, Korea Institute for Advanced Study, 85 Hoegiro, Dongdaemun-gu, ...

Candidate gene prioritization and validation using an integrated network-based approach
Kenji MizuguchiNational Institute of Biomedical Innovation, 7-6-8 Asagi-Saito, Ibaraki-City, Osaka, 567-0085, Japan ABSTRACT We have recently developed TargetMine, an integrated ...

Deciphering cardiac gene regulatory networks
Mirana Ramialison, Romaric Bouveret, Tram Doan, Danielle de Jong, Nicole Schonrock, Richard P HarveyThe Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute, Sydney, ...

Molecular simulation to biochemical network perturbation in infectious disease
Shailza SinghNational Centre for Cell Science, NCCS Complex, Pune University Campus, Pune 411007, India. ABSTRACT Computational systems biology aims to ...

Getting a handhold on designing proteins for human therapeutics
D SundarIndian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi, New Delhi, India. ABSTRACT A technology for specifically targeting genes of humans has ...

Plasticity of hydrophobic grooves in anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 proteins
R SankararamakrishnanDepartment of Biological Sciences and Bioengineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, U. P., India. ABSTRACT Apoptosis is an important ...

The emerging assembly line of genomes to hit molecules In silico
B JayaramDepartment of Chemistry & Kusuma School of Biological Sciences & Supercomputing Facility for Bioinformatics & Computational Biology, Indian Institute ...

Predicting bio-molecular interactions in proteins and nucleic acids
Shandar AhmadNational Institute of Biomedical Innovation, 7-6-8 Asagi-Saito, Ibaraki-City, Osaka, 567-0085, Japan. ABSTRACT All biological functions can ultimately be described ...

Exploring the protein complex forming ability in determining the evolutionary rates of proteins in the yeast protein-protein interaction networks
Tapash Chandra Ghosh, Sandip Chakraborty, Bratati KahaliBioinformatics Centre, Bose Institute, P 1/12, C.I.T. Scheme VII M, Kolkata 700 054, India ...

Multi-domain protein kinases: Evolution of domain architectures, classification, hybrid protein kinases
N SrinivasanMolecular Biophysics Unit, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India. ABSTRACT Protein phosphorylation is a generic way to regulate signal ...

Structure-based drug design: Philosophy, strategy and some case studies
C Gopi MohanAmrita Centre for Nanosciences and Molecular Medicine (ACNMM), Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences, Ponekkara, Kochi- 682 041, Kerala ...

In silico analysis of enzymes associated with novel post-translational modifications of proteins and peptides
Shradha Khatar, Debasisa MohantyBioinformatics Center, National Institute of Immunology, New Delhi, India. ABSTRACT Post Translational Modification (PTM) typically involve covalent ...

Prediction of the effects of missence mutations in human proteins
HA NagarajaramLaboratory of Computational Biology, Centre for DNA Fingerprinting & Diagnostics (CDFD), Gruhakalpa, Nampally, Hyderabad 500 00, Andhra Pradesh, India ...

Genomics and proteomics pyro-sequencing based metagenomics of paddy soils from Uttar Pradesh, India
Sushmitha Vijaya Kumar, V Siva Karthik, Pa Ragul, R Aarthi, Vaibhav Bhatt, Prakash Koringa, Trupthi N PatelAnand Agricultural University, Anand, ...

SNPs in cancer: A genome-wide computational analysis
Ankita Mehta, Yasha HasijaDepartment of Biotechnology, Delhi Technological University (Formerly Delhi College of Engineering), Shahbad Daulatpur, Main Bawana Road, Delhi-110042, ...

Fungal diversity analysis of alkaline lake by next-generation sequencing technology
Pravin R Dudhagara1, Anjana D Ghelani2, Shreyash A Bhatt31Department of lifesciences, Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University, Patan; Department of Biotechnology,VeerNarmad South ...

Mutation rate analysis of PPR virus in fourteen different countries
Gulshan Wadhwa1, Usman Sayeed2, Qazi Mohd Sajid Jamal21Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science & Technology, New Delhi, India.2Department of Biotechnology, ...

A computational investigation of deleterious non-synonymous SNPs of epidermal growth factor receptor
Dhwani Raghav1, Vinay Sharma2, Subhash Mohan Agarwal31Bioinformatics Division, Institute of Cytology and Preventive Oncology (icmr), I-7, Sector-39, Noida-201301; Department of ...

Dehydration-responsive functional association network of nuclear proteins in rice (Oryza sativa L.) reveals conserved and novel pathways
Niranjan ChakrabortyNational Institute of Plant Genome Research, Aruna Asaf marg, New Delhi, India. ABSTRACT Water-deficit or dehydration is the most ...

Epitope mapping and motif analysis of omp 28 gene of Salmonella typhi
Anjani Saxena, Shantanu Tamuly, MK SaxenaAnimal Biotechnology Center, Department of Veterinary Physiology &Biochemistry College of Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandary, ...

Two novel alternatively spliced transcripts of Prkar 1b gene of mouse: Identification using a novel approach of In-silico and molecular biology techniques
Sayeed Ur Rehman, Abdul Rouf Banday, Mohammad TabishDepartment of Biochemistry, Faculty of Life Sciences, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, U.P. 202002, ...

Identification, sequence and structural analysis of cathepsin L – like proteins in Drosophila melanogaster
Sunil Kumar1, Rohit Farmer2, Andrew P Turnbull3, Niraj Kanti Tripathy4, Babu A Manjasetty51Institute of Life Sciences, Nalco Square, Bhubaneswar 751023, ...

Spatial architecture of nucleotides in eukaryotic genomes
Charu Kapil1, Samrat Chatterjee2, Tahir Husain2, Mohamad Aman Jairajpuri3, Manickam Yogavel2, Amit Sharma21Structural and Computational Biology Group, International Centre for ...

The emerging assembly line of genomes to hit molecules In silico
B JayaramDepartment of Chemistry & Kusuma School of Biological Sciences & Supercomputing Facility for Bioinformatics & Computational Biology, Indian Institute ...

In silico analysis and expression of multiple novel splice variants of PKA catalytic beta subunit gene in mouse
Tarique Sarwar, Abdul Rouf Banday, Mohammad TabishDepartment of Biochemistry, Faculty of Life Sciences, A.M. University, Aligarh, 202002, India. ABSTRACT PKA ...

Basal core promoter (BCP) mutations with respect to hepatitis B virus genotypes and serologic status
Masarrat Afroz, Sabihur Rahman Farooqui, Zaheenul Islam Siddiqui, Syed Ali Azam, Syed Naqui KazimCentre for Interdisciplinary Research in Basic Sciences, ...

Sequence, structure and function of microtubule affinity-regulating kinase: An enzyme plays potential role in cell division
Farha Naz, Faizan Ahmad, Md. Imtaiyaz HassanCentre for Interdisciplinary Research in Basic Sciences, Jamia Millia Islamia, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi ...

Evolution of homeobox protein sequence (Hoxa9) across different species using phylogenetic analysis and expression analysis of the sequence in reference to the occurrence of Acute Myeloid Leukemia
Priyanka Narad1, Abhishek Sengupta1, Gulshan Wadhwa21Amity University, Noida, India.2Apex Biotechnology Information Center, Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science & Technology, ...

A comprehensive analysis of isomirs and their targets using high-throughput sequencing data for Arabidopsis thaliana
Firoz Ahmed, Patrick Xuechun ZhaoBioinformatics Laboratory, Plant Biology Division, Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation, Ardmore, Oklahoma 73401, USA. ABSTRACT The roles ...

Computational analysis of cotton mirnas targeting genome of Cotton leaf curl Multan Virus and associated satellite DNA
M Sarwar Baig, Shweta, Jawaid A KhanPlant Virology Lab, Department of Biosciences, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Jamia Millia Islamia, New ...

Amino acid sequence analysis of thermostable endo-ß-1, 4-glucanase purified from Trichoderma viride
Nidhee ChaudharyAmity Institute of Biotechnology, Amity University, Sector-125, Noida-201303, Uttar Pradesh, India. ABSTRACT In the present investigation amino acid sequence ...

Computational analysis of regulatory elements
Shivesh GhuraJaypee Institute of Information Technology University, Sector 62 Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201307, India. ABSTRACT With the advent of highthroughput ...

Computational prediction and identification of new splice variant of PKA catalytic alpha subunit gene in mouse
Mohammad Aamir Hussain, Abdul Rouf Banday, Mohammad TabishDepartment of Biochemistry, Faculty of Life Sciences, A.M. University, Aligarh, U.P. 202002, India ...

Genome variability of HIV 2 using various analytical techniques
VM Karthika, Archana TiwariSchool of Biotechnology, Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India. ABSTRACT HIV 2 is pandemic in ...

Identification of candidate motifs in stress responsive genes associated with heavy metal tolerance in plants
Nishtha Lukhmana, Mohit Jain, Sayan ChatterjeeUniversity School of Biotechnology, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, New Delhi, India. ABSTRACT Heavy metals ...

Identification and analysis of transcription factors and their binding sites in cervical cancer associated genes
Manu Mangal1, Dhwani Raghav2, Vinay Sharma3, Subhash Mohan Agarwal11Bioinformatics Division, Institute of Cytology and Preventive Oncology (icmr), I-7, sector-39, Noida-201301, ...

Analysis of annotation strategies for hypothetical proteins: A case study of Neisseria
Neeraj Nagpal, Neera Munjal, Sayan ChatterjeeUniversity School of Biotechnology, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, New Delhi, India. ABSTRACT Growing possibilities ...

Community and functional analysis of metagenome data from hot spring
Mansi B Parmar, Rajesh K PatelHemchandracharya North Gujrat University, Patan, India. ABSTRACT Metagenomics is the culture-independent genomics analysis of microbial ...

Identification and analysis of biomarkers for mismatch repair proteins: A bioinformatics approach
Manika Sehgal, Tiratha Raj SinghDepartment of Biotechnology and Bioinformatics, Jaypee University of Information and Technology (JUIT), Waknaghat, Solan-173234, H.P., India ...

A central repository for functional and evolutionary information of human proteins
Inderjit Singh Yadav, Dhwani Raghav, Subhash Mohan AgarwalBioinformatics Division, Institute of Cytology and Preventive Oncology (icmr), I-7, Sector-39, Noida-201301, India ...

In silico analysis of hemagglutinin, neuraminidase, and matrix protein- A comparative study on different strains of H5n1 virus
Subhomoi BorkotokyCentre for bioinformatics, Pondicherry University, Pondicherry, India. ABSTRACT Pandemic influenza virus has its origins in avian influenza viruses. The ...

Comparative genomic strategy in human disease genes
Sayan ChatterjeeUniversity School of Biotechnology, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, New Delhi, India. ABSTRACT DNA repair genes encode proteins that ...

Functional diversity in the Enolase superfamily proteins
Kaiser Jamil1, M Sabeena21Bhagwan Mahavir Medical Research Centre, Mahavir Marg, Hyderabad - 500 004, A.P.; School of Life Sciences (SLS), ...

Molecular modeling studies of hypermodified nucleosides present in anticodon loop of tRNA
Navanath M Kumbhar1, Bajarang V Kumbhar2, Kailas D Sonawane31Department of Biotechnology, Shivaji University, Kolhapur - 416 004, (M.S.), India.2Structural Bioinformatics ...

Sequence and structural analysis enables prediction of functionally important residues responsible for regulating Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor tyrosine kinase activity
Subhash Mohan AgarwalBioinformatics Division, Institute of Cytology and Preventive Oncology (icmr), I-7, sector-39, Noida-201301, India. ABSTRACT Protein tyrosine kinases, which ...

Proteomic study to investigate the role of sulphur in Cd stressed Arabidopsis thaliana
Humayra Bashir, Javed Ahmad, Rita Bagheri, M Irfan QureshiProteomics & Bioinformatics Lab, Department of Biotechnology, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi-100 ...

microRNA mediated regulation of plant secondary metabolism: An In silico analysis
Vidushi Mahajan1, Anuj Mahajan2, Sandeep Singh Pagoch1, Yashbir S Bedi1, Sumit G Gandhi11Plant Biotechnology Division, Indian Institute of Integrative Medicine ...

The computational-based structure of Dwarf 14 provides evidence for its role as potential strigolactone receptor in plants
Noura Gaiji1, Francesca Cardinale2, Cristina Prandi3, Paola Bonfante4, Graziella Ranghino11Geol sas, Vercelli, Italy.2Dipartimento di Colture Arboree, Università di Torino, Italy.3Dipartimento ...

In silico characterization of PFCYC-1, A cyclin homologue of Plasmodium falciparum
Dinesh GuptaInternational centre for genetic engineering and biotechnology, Aruna Asaf Marg, New Delhi, India. ABSTRACT Malaria is still one of ...

A survey on recent developments in comparison of protein structure methods
KM Prakash Lingam1, S Chandrakala21Anna University of Technology, Chennai, India.2Dept. of Computer Science, Velammal Engineering College, Chennai, India. ABSTRACT Comparison ...

In silico structural analysis of a Brassica juncea sequence containing kinase specific domain
Javed Ahmad1, Mirza Sarwar Baig1, Irfan Qureshi1, Gohar Taj21Department of Biotechnology, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, India.2Department of Molecular Biology ...

Prediction and classification of critical residues into fold and function using an information theoretic method
Mohd Rehan, Andrew M LynnJawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India. ABSTRACT The residue conservation in a multiple alignment of a ...

Isozyme specific changes in antithrombin structure forms the basis of its improved heparin binding for anticoagulant activity
Poonam Singh, Khushboo Singh, Mohamad Aman JairajpuriProtein Conformation and Enzymology Lab, Department of Biosciences, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi-110025, India ...

Elucidating the specificity of non-heparin based conformational activators of antithrombin for factor Xa inhibition
Qudsia Rashid, Md. Asim Azhar, Asma Naseem, Md. Sazzad Khan, Poonam Singh, Mohamad Aman JairajpuriProtein Conformation and Enzymology Lab, Department ...

Role of helix B in serpin inhibition mechanism and polymerization
Poonam Singh, Monika Batra, Mohamad Aman JairajpuriProtein Conformation and Enzymology Lab, Department of Biosciences, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi-110025, India ...

Glycerol-3 phosphate acyltransferase structural and active site identification through In silico approach
Namrata Misra, Prasanna Kumar Panda, Lala Bihari SuklaBioresources Engineering Department, Institute of Minerals and Materials Technology (formerly Regional Research lab), ...

Structure, function, and diversity of human carbonic anhydrase isozymes
Bushra Zubair1, Danish Idrees2, Faizan Ahmad2, Md. Imtaiyaz Hassan21NICT, Sikkim Manipal university, India.2Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Basic Sciences, Jamia ...

In silico structural and functional analysis of the P74 protein related to the (PDV) Polyhedra Derived Virus infection of BmNPV into the silkworm
HM Kantharaj, SK Ashwath, S.M.H QadriBioinformatics Centre, Central Sericultural Research and Training Institute, Mysore, India. ABSTRACT The proteomic studies in ...

Structure-function relationship of Mitogen Activated Protein kinase signal interacting kinase (Mnk1), a potent tumorigenic protein
Khalid Anwar, Faizan Ahmad, Md. Imtaiyaz HassanCentre for Interdisciplinary Research in Basic Sciences, Jamia Millia Islamia (Central University), Jamia Nagar, ...

Insilico study of the A 2A R-D 2 R kinetics and revelation of residues Involved at the interfacial surface for heteromerization
Amresh Prakash, Pratibha Mehta, LuthraMedicinal Chemistry Division, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Center for Biomedical Research, University of Delhi, North Campus, Mall ...

Structural features of lysosmal proteins: A structure based analysis to understand the mechanism of lysosomal storage disease
Huma Naz, Faizan Ahmad, Md. Imtaiyaz HassanCentre for Interdisciplinary Research in Basic Sciences, Jamia Millia Islamia, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi ...

Sequence, structure and fold of cytochrome c
Sabab Hasan Khan, Md. Imtaiyaz Hassan, Faizan AhmadCentre for Interdisciplinary Research in Basic Sciences, Jamia Millia Islamia, Jamia Nagar, New ...

Structure based function prediction of putative conserved proteins from Candida dubliniensis
Munazzah Tasleem, Seemi Kalam, Faizan Ahmad, Md. Imtaiyaz HassanCentre for Interdisciplinary Research in Basic Sciences, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi 110025, ...

Three-dimensional structure prediction of putative conserved proteins from R. rickettsiae: An approach to function annotation
Sobia Zaidi, Faizan Ahmad, Md. Imtaiyaz HassanCentre for Interdisciplinary Research in Basic Sciences, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi-110025, India. ABSTRACT ...

In Silico analysis of flexible loop domain’s conformational changes affecting BH3 cleft of Bcl-2 protein
Pawan Kumar Raghav, Yogesh Kumar Verma, Gurudutta U GangenahalliStem Cell and Gene Therapy Research Laboratory, Institute of Nuclear Medicine and ...

Validation of Bhageerath-H: A homology ab-intio hybrid web server for protein tertiary structure prediction
Munazzah Tasleem1, B Jayaram21Department of Computer Sciences, Jamia Millia Islamia, Delhi, India.2Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India. ABSTRACT To assess ...

Predicting the stability of protein using its atomic coordinates in Protein Data Bank (PDB)
Syed Ausaf Ali, Asimul Islam, Faizan AhmadCenter for Interdisciplinary Research in Basic Sciences, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, India. ABSTRACT ...

Protein modeling studies for antibacterial drug target
Anjana Ghelani1, Pravin Dudhagara2, Bhoomi Patel3, Rajesh Patel31Department of lifesciences, Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University, Patan; Shree Ramkrishna Institute of Computer ...

Modeling of small molecule to hinder serine protease inhibitor polymerization
Md. Sazzad Khan, Mohamad Aman JairajpuriProtein Conformation and Enzymology Lab, Department of Biosciences, Jamia Millia Islamia University, New-Delhi-110025, India. ABSTRACT ...

STAT6: An overview to its homology modeling
Shahzaib Ahmad1, Md. Imtaiyaz Hassan2, Andrew M Lynn31Department of Computer Sciences, Jamia Millia Islamia, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi-110025, India.2Center for ...

Structure based prediction of stability for human β-glucronidase mutants
Faez Iqbal Khan1, Md. Zubbair Malik1, Md. Imtaiyaz Hassan21Department of Computer Science, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, India.2Centre for Interdisciplinary ...

Drug design In-silico approach for comparative study of various leads for a specific cancerous cell
Jawed Ahmed, Ruchika Bhat, Preetirupa SaikiaDepartment of Computer Science, Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi-110062, India. ABSTRACT Cancer is a deadly disease ...

Docking of HIV-1 integrase inhibitors with hepatitis C virus
Aakanksha Jaidka, Neha PathaniaLovely Professional University, Phagwara (Punjab), India. ABSTRACT According to so many medical reports people who are suffering ...

Structural fidelity in protein inhibitors of peptidases
Lunminlal Kipgen, Sugandha Saxena, Kamal K AggarwalUniversity School of Biotechnology, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Dwarka-16C, New Delhi, India. ABSTRACT ...

Docking studies of two taxane diterpenoids (10,13-deacetyl-abeo-baccatin-Iv And 5-acetyl- 2-deacetoxydecinnamoyl-taxinine-0.29hydrate) with microtubule
Umesh Yadava, Hariom Gupta, M RoychoudhuryDepartment of Physics, DDU Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur (U.P.), India. ABSTRACT The Himalayan yew (Taxus Wallichiana) ...

Protein-protein docking of serine proteinase of nematodes with plant proteinase inhibitors
C.V.S. Siva Prasad, Saurabh Gupta, MD TiwariDepartment of Bioinformatics, Applied Science Division & IRCB, Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad-21012, ...

Designing new leads for neuraminidase using Ab-initio approach
Alka Shrivastava1, Mohd Nazir1, Chitra Gupta21Department of Computer Sciences, Jamia Millia Islamia University, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi-25, India.2Mascon Global Limited, ...

Molecular interaction studies of toxic proteins and neurotransmitters towards development of novel drugs for alzheimer disease
R Sathish Kumar, Murugesh Easwaran, C Nilavamudhan, P ShanmughavelDBT-Bioinformatics Center, Computational Biology lab, Bioinformatics Department, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore - 641046, ...

In-silico inhibitor designing for HIV-1 integrase in Human Immunodeficiency Virus
Irin Sarah Jacob, Archana Singh, Sarika N Suryawanshi, Vikas GautamDepartment of Pharmacoinformatics, National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER) ...

In-Silico inhibitor designing for Plasmodiumfalciparum aspartate aminotransferase (Pfaspat) in malaria
Archana Singh, Irin Sarah Jacob, Vikas Gautam, Sarika N SuryawanshiDepartment of Pharmacoinformatics, National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER), ...

In-Silico Modeling and Inhibitor Designing through Fragment Based Drug Discovery (FBDD) Approach for Arylamine N-Acetyltransferase (NAT) in Mycobacterium tuberculosi
Vikas Gautam, Archana Singh, Irin Sarah Jacob, Sarika N SuryawanshiDepartment of Pharmacoinformatics, National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER) ...

Carbohydrate ligand interactions with genotype variants of cholera toxin B
Sunil KumarInstitute of Life Sciences, Department of Biotechnology, Nalco Square, Bhubaneswar, India. ABSTRACT Vibrio cholerae produces cholera toxin (CT) that ...

Receptor chemoprint based pharmacophore modeling and virtual screening approach to obtain the novel hits in search of dopamine receptor subtype selective and potent agonists
Amresh Prakash, Pranjul Mishra, Pratibha Mehta LuthraMedicinal Chemistry Division, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Center for Biomedical Research, University of Delhi, North ...

Virtual screening studies for identification of novel antimalarials
Rahul Agarwal, Swarnima Kumari, Vikrant Nain, Shakti SahiSchool of Biotechnology, Gautam Buddha University, Greater Noida-201310, India. ABSTRACT Malaria remains a ...

Designing of a potent analog against drug resistant HIV-1 protease: An insilco study
Madhur Mishra, Mohammed Haris SiddiquiDepartment of Biotechnology, Microbiology and Bioinformatics, Integral University, Lucknow- 226026, India. ABSTRACT The HIV-1 protease enzyme ...

Acetoxy (4-aminophenyl) mercury, a chemical inhibitor for tankyrase 1 to control cell proliferation in cancer
Anita Dubey, Tanmay Sahu, Suchi SmitaThe Bioinformatica Solutions, Lucknow (U.P), India. ABSTRACT Telomeres are repeated TTAGGG sequences that stop chromosome ...

Elimination of antibiotic resistance of NDM klebsiella pneumonia by inhibiting metallo beta lactamase 1 enzyme using combinational therapy of phytochemicals & antibiotics – An Insilico approach
Biplab Bhattacharjee1, Priya Prakash1, Rukmini Jonnalagadda1, BM Arpitha1, Jhinuk Chatterjee1, V Krishna Murthy1, Jayadev Joshi21Department of Biotechnology, PES Institute of ...

Computer aided screening of natural antimicrobials against putative drug targets of Helicobacter pylori 26695- an In silico drug designing approach
Biplab Bhattacharjee1, Jhinuk Chatterjee1, Priya Jacob2, V Krishna Murthy11Department of Biotechnology, PES Institute of Technology, Bangalore, India.2RV College of Engineering, ...

Drug designing
Pooja BhardwajUniversity School of Biotechnology, GGSIP University, Dwarka Sec 16C, New Delhi, India. ABSTRACT Bioinformatics tools can help us to ...

A protein-RNA docking benchmark
Amita Barik, C Nithin, P Manasa, Ranjit Prasad BahadurDepartment of Biotechnology, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur 721302, India. ABSTRACT RNA ...

Designing and development of novel antituberculosis drugs by in silico targeting against Decaprenyl-phosphoryl-β-D-ribose oxidase: A structure based drug designing approach
Richa AnandDepartment of Biochemical Engineering, Banaras Hindu university, UP, India. ABSTRACT Mycobacterium tuberculosis a causative agent of tuberculosis is gram-positive ...

In Silico structure based drug designing for schizophrenia
Manika SehgalJUIT, Waknaghat, Solan, H.P., Shimla, India. ABSTRACT The current paper aims to design an in silico structure-based drug for ...

Molecular modeling of the dimensional structure of EF-1α from Leishmania donovani and its interaction with several inhibitors
Mukta Rani, Manas Ranjan Dikhit, Ganesh Chandra Sahoo, Pradeep DasBiomedical Informatics Division, Rajendra Memorial Research Institute of Medical Sciences, Agam ...

Model structure of ferroportin and its docking with hepcidin reveals structural basis of iron homeostasis
Prasoon Kumar Thakur1, Vishrant Tyagi2, Faizan Ahmad2, Md. Imtaiyaz Hassan21Department of Computer Science, Jamia Millia Islamia, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi ...

Comparative molecular docking approach on the series of antibacterial natural compounds for inhibition of NDM-1
Prasoon Thakur1, Jitendra Kumar2, Divya Ray3, Md. Imtaiyaz Hassan41Department of computer science, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, India.2Beant College of ...

Identification of membrane associated drug targets in Borrelia burgdorferi ZS7- Subtractive genomics approach
VijayakumariKarnataka State Women University, Jnanashakti campus, Athani Road, Bijapur, Karanataka, India. ABSTRACT Lyme disease is an infectious disease caused by ...

Structural basis of hepcidin binding to the α-2-Macroglobulin
Prasoon Thakur1, Parvez Khan2, Faizan Ahmad2, Md. Imtaiyaz Hassan21Department of Computer Science, Jamia Millia Islamia, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi 110025, ...

Mapping of natural antiviral leads against drug target network of HIV – A network pharmacology and system biology approach
Amrendar Kumar, Abhilasha Singh, Swati Agarwal, Ramkishan AgarwalAmity Institute of Biotechnology, Amity University, Lucknow, India. ABSTRACT The specificity of drug ...

Three-dimensional quantitative structure-activity relationship analysis of a set of Pneumocystis crainii dihydrofolate reductase inhibitors using a pharmacophore generation approach
Ruchi Mishra, Ankita Agarwal, Sarvesh PaliwalDepartment of Pharmacy, Banasthali University, Rajasthan, India. ABSTRACT Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (PCP) is one of ...

Three-dimensional pharmacophore modelling of 4-quinolinyl and 9-acrydinylhydrazone analogues as potential inhibitors of Plasmodium falciparum
Ankita Agarwal, Ruchi Mishra, Sarvesh PaliwalDepartment of Pharmacy, Banasthali University, Rajasthan, India. ABSTRACT Malaria is a mosquito-borne infectious disease of ...

Screening of natural antimutagenic chemotherapeutic compounds for the treatment of diabetes mellitus- An In silico pharmaco-chemical approach
Amrendar Kumar, Abhilasha Singh, Swati Agarwal, RamKishan Agarwal, RK TiwariAmity Institute of Biotechnology, Amity University, Lucknow campus, India. ABSTRACT The ...

Design of indole based acetylcholinesterase inhibitors through molecular modeling, docking, and ADMET studies
Nasimul Hoda, Jitendra KumarDepartment of chemistry, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Jamia Millia Islamia, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi, 110025, India. ABSTRACT ...

Structure based In silico design of a novel class of potent and selective inhibitor of dihydropteroate synthase for anti-tubercular chemotherapy
Manoj Kumar, Gita Subba Rao, Sujata Sharma, TP Singh, Punit KaurDepartment of Biophysics, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New ...

Designing specific inhibitor against human kallikrein 6
Shaikh Uzma Jamal1, Manoj Kumar2, Md. Imtaiyaz Hassan3, Punit Kaur21Department of Computer Science, Jamia Millia Islamia, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi ...

In silico structure based design of potent inhibitors of β-D-glucuronidase for anticancer therapy
Nagendra Singh1, Manoj Kumar2, Md. Imtaiyaz Hassan3, Punit Kaur21Department of Computer Science, Jamia Millia Islamia, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi 110025, ...

Database management data mining – The essence of strategic management
Manjeet KumarITS, Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad, U. P., India. ABSTRACT In the emerging field of data mining as the process of ...

Compilation of useful information for Indian diseases through an online database management: A useful resource for researcher and public awareness
Amit Kumar, Farheen Shamsi, Romana Ishrat, Md. Imtaiyaz HassanCentre for Interdisciplinary Research in Basic Sciences, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, ...

The journey of data mining
Meenu ChopraDepartment of Information Technology, Guru Gobind Singh University, India. ABSTRACT Data and Information or Knowledge has a significant role ...

Phytorajaykhsama: A database of natural plants having Anti-HIV properties
Abhilasha Singh, Amrendar Kumar, Swati Agarwal, Ramkishan AgarwalAmity Institute of Biotechnology, Amity University, Lucknow, India. ABSTRACT Healthcare professionals around the ...

Environmental genomics: Data management and their computational analysis in bioinformatics
Mayura D Patil1, SC Kale1, Seema Devdhaer21Krishna Institute of Biotechnology and Bioinformatics; Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences Deemed University, (Malkapur) ...

Data mining and machine learning
Priyanka PandeySBLMS Education Institute, Rajapuri, New Delhi - 110059, India. ABSTRACT We have analyzed the problems of building binary classifiers ...

Mycosec – A database for signal peptide bearing genes of mycobacterium
Arnab SenNBU Bioinformatics Facility, Department of Botany, University of North Bengal, Siliguri 734013, India. ABSTRACT The genus Mycobacterium includes pathogen ...

Bamboo-infoline: A database for north Bengal bamboo’s
Arvind Kumar Goyal1, Sushil Kumar Middha2, Talmbedu Usha2, Subhojyoti Chatterjee2, Asim Kumar Bothra3, Madhugiri B Nagaveni2, Arnab Sen11NBU Bioinformatics Facility, ...

Algorithm and software development analysis of various softwares and their authenticity, using docking techniques for inhibition of the enzyme G6PD to prevent the growth of malarial parasite, Plasmodium falciparum
Azeemuddin Siddiqui, Himanshi Narula, Rajni Jaiswal, Nawras al-Ghreeb, Jawed AhmedDepartment of Computer Science, Jamia Hamdard, Delhi 110062, India. ABSTRACT Of ...

PIPE: Protein Interaction and Properties Explorer
Rajnikant Namdeo1, Prasoon Thakur2, Raghvendra Sachan1, Aneesh Karatti1, Avtar singh1, Megha Wariar3, Meenu Sharma1, Jiwanjot Singh1, Mridhu Goyal1, Shitanshu Kusmakar11IBI ...

WISA: Web Server for Interactive Sequence Alignment
Mokshda Kaushik, Madhurika Sharma, Tirath Raj SinghDepartment of Biotechnology & Bioinformatics, JUIT, Waknaghat, Solan (H.P.), India. ABSTRACT Enormous amount of ...

Microbial Genomics Tool (MGT) for bacterial codon usage analysis
Rajendra Verma, Ragini Gothalwal, Prerna Mahalgamaya, Kamalraj Pardasani, Kishor ShendeBioinformatics Center (SubDIC), Dept. of Biotechnology, Barkatullah University Bhopal MP, India ...

Role and utilization of web services in bioinformatics
Neetu Jabalia1, Hina Bansal1, VV Rahul2, Nidhee Chaudhary1, Alka Grover1, Jitendra Narayan31Amity Institute of Biotechnology, Amity University, Noida, India.2National Brain ...

GFF-Ex: A genome feature extraction package
Dinesh GuptaInternational Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, New Delhi, India. ABSTRACT There are several ways of representing genomic features ...

Enhancement of intrusion detection using back propagation algorithm
Khattab M Ali AlheetiInformation Systems Department, College of Computer, University of Anbar, Iraque. ABSTRACT Intrusion detection is an important component ...

Clustering of computer’s
Dinesh Bhalothia, Rakesh Sharma, SL Kothari, Sumita KachhawaCentre for Converging Technologies, University Of Rajasthan, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India. ABSTRACT A flood ...

Application of MM/PBSA in the prediction of relative binding free energy: Re-scoring of docking hit-list
Rashmi Kumari, Andrew M LynnSchool of Computational and Integrative Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India. ABSTRACT In the recent ...

A-Helices as macro-dipoles affecting the Voltage Sensor Domain of Kvap
Tarunendu Mapder, Lipika AdhyaDepartment of Engineering Physics, B.P. Poddar Institute of Management and Technology, Poddar Vihar, 137-VIP Road, Kolkata-700052, India ...

A genetic algorithm based Crypt-Steganography technique for message hiding in JPEG images
Aleem Ali1, Sherin zafar2, Reshmi Philip11Jamia Hamdard (Hamdard University), Hamdard Nagar, New Delhi -110062, India.2Computer Engineering Section, University Polytechnic, Jamia ...

Transcriptional Regulatory Network (TRN) Discovery Using Multi Method Integration (MMI)-Application in Multi-dimensional Genome Annotation of E. Coli K12
Charu AnandUniversity School of Biotechnology, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Sector 16, Dwarka, New Delhi, India. ABSTRACT Growing number of ...

Constructing biological networks using fuzzy models: A case study of the Lac Operon Network
Raed I HamedInformation Systems Department, College of Computer, University of Anbar, Al-Anbar, Iraq. ABSTRACT In this paper Petri net models ...

Wi-Fi network communication & security issues in today world
Jitender Singh, Abhijit KulshresthaFaculty Computer Science and Engineering, CS&E, JNU Jodhpur, Jodhpur (Rajasthan), JNU Jodhpur, India. ABSTRACT Privacy over communication ...

Statistical analysis of the results obtained by different algorithms used for segregating the datasets of active and inactive compounds
Shahla Tarannum, Tehseen FatmaJamia Hamdard, Hamdard Nagar, New Delhi, India. ABSTRACT The major drawback with virtual screening of data is ...

Social networks go research friendly on world wide web
Sarika N Suryawanshi, Irin Sarah Jacob, Archana Singh, Vikas GautamDepartment of Pharmacoinformatics, National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Hajipur, ...

A survey on recent developments in multiple sequence alignment methods
KM Prakash Lingam, S ChandrakalaAnna University of Technology, Dept. of Computer Science, Velammal Engineering College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. ABSTRACT ...

Web service warehouses- Semantically improved
Md. Tabrez Nafis, Neel ManiDepartment of Computer Science, Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi 110067, India. ABSTRACT Many efforts are being made ...

Regulatory networks prediction of mechanism types adopted by magnesium ions during catalysis of few type II restriction endonucleases using bioinformatics tools
Jawed Ahmed, Aakansha Chaudhary, Manisha Mittal, Mohaddeseh MousaviDepartment of Computer Science, Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi-110062, India. ABSTRACT Recently determined crystal ...

Computational toxicity prediction of synthetic pesticides in human at different exposure levels
Amit Kumar Sharma, RK Tiwari, MS GaurPesticides Research & Sensors Laboratory, Department of Physics Hindustan College of Science and Technology, ...

System biology: A new approach in cancer research
Ambuj Mishra1, Deepika Bhaskar1, Rajdeep Deb1, Poonam Yadav1, Amisha Mishra2, Sonal Srivastava11Department of Biotechnology, Institute of Biomedical Education and Research, ...

Systems view of differential regulation of enos: Role of VEGF and shear stress
NT Devika1, BM Jaffar Ali21AU-KBC Research Centre, M.I.T.Campus, Anna University, Chrompet, Chennai 600044, India.2Centre for Green Energy Technology, Pondicherry University, ...

The impact of chemical coupling on intercellular communication of coupled Ca 2+ oscillators in hepatocytes
Md. Zubbair Malik1, Md. Jahoor Alam2, G Reenaroy Devi2, Ravins2, RK Brojen Singh2, Shahnawaz ali1, Md. Badruzzaman1, Fauzul Mobeen31Department of ...

Arjunolic acid, a novel modulator of GLUT4 mediated glucose uptake in adipocytes
Ninu Poulose, Aswathy Sheena, Suma Mohan, Gopalakrishnapillai AnilkumarSchool of Biotechnology, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri P.O., Kollam, Kerala 690525, India. ABSTRACT ...

Prediction of unfolding rates of two-state proteins based on long-range order
B Harihar, S SelvarajDepartment of Bioinformatics, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli, Tamilnadu, India. ABSTRACT In the past decade many approaches have been ...

Character recognition
Arshi salamat1, Aleem Ali2, Sushma21Electrical Engg Section, F/O Engg, University Polytechnic, JMI, New Delhi-110025, India.2Jamia Hamdard (Hamdard University), Hamdard Nagar, ...

Screening of selected medicinal plant extracts for antiepileptic and insecticidal activity in Drosophila melanogaster model
Neelam Shukla, Saba Hasan, Anirban PalAmity Institute of Biotechnology, Amity University, Viraj Khand-5, Gomtinagar, Lucknow (U.P.)-India - 226010, India. ABSTRACT ...

ANOVA applications to biological effects of human age with respect to their lifestyle
Yash Sharma, Disha Thakkar, Soham Sheth, Ankit Chaturvedi, VR Lakshmi GortySVKM's NMIMS MPSTME, Mumbai, India. The objective with which, the ...

Search for an alternative food grain: A bioinformatic approach to study Pennisetum glaucum
Sandeep Sati, Anshika Kapur, Sayan ChatterjeeUniversity School of Biotechnology, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, New Delhi, India. Whole grains are ...

The effect of diffused drug and noise in the stochastic model of rat hepatocytes
Md. Badruzzaman1, Md. Zubbair Malik1, Md. Jahoor Alam2, G Reenaroy Devi2, Ravins2, RK Brojen Singh2, Shahnawaz ali1, Fauzul Mobeen3, Faez ...

Impact of high level glucose on P53-Mdm2 dynamics and intercellular communication
Nishat Fatima, Shadab Fatima, Md. Jahoor Alam, Gurumayum Reenaroy Devi, Ravins, RK Brojen SinghCentre for Interdisciplinary Research in Basic Science, ...

Intercellular synchronization among stressed cells coupled via Ca +2 diffusion
Md. Jahoor Alam, RK Brojen SinghCentre for Interdisciplinary Research in Basic Science, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi-110025, India. ABSTRACT We ...

The effect on coupling strength near the deterministic to stochastic transition
Gurumayum Reenaroy Devi, RK Brojen SinghCentre for Interdisciplinary Research in Basic Sciences, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi - 110025, India ...

The stochastic temporal dynamics of Msn2 oscillations in cAMP-PKA-HOG pathway in yeast budding network
Fauzul Mobeen1, Md. Zubbair Malik2, Md. Jahoor Alam3, G Reenaroy Devi3, Ravins3, RK Brojen Singh3, Shahnwaz ali2, Md. Badruzzaman21School of ...

Intercellular communication among a group of circadian oscillators
Gulfishan Jung1, Md. Zubbair Malik1, Shahnawaz ali1, Md. Jahoor Alam2, G Reenaroy Devi2, Ravins2, RK Brojen Singh2, Md. Badruzzaman1, Fauzul ...

Interaction among homogeneous glycolytic oscillating networks arranged in a certain topology
Ravins, RK Brojen SinghCentre for Interdisciplinary Research in Basic Sciences, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi 110025, India. ABSTRACT We investigate ...

Simulating translation in yeast
Dominique Chu1, Tobias von der Haar21School of Computing, University of Kent, CT2 7NF Canterbury, United Kingdom.2School of Bioscience, University of ...

Interdisciplinary sciences biophysical characterization of cochinin B, A ribosome inactivating protein
Ilyas Beg, Faizan Ahmad, Asimul IslamCentre for Interdisciplinary Research in Basic Sciences, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi 110025, India. It ...

Chemical modification of polyvinylalcohol for iodine delivery
Syed Ishraque Ahmad, Nasreen MazumdarDepartment of Chemistry, Jamia Millia Islamia University, New Delhi 110025, India. Chemical modification of polyvinylalcohol (PVA) ...

Interaction of functionalized polyvinylalcohol films and iodine
Syed Ishraque Ahmad, Nasreen MazumdarDepartment of Chemistry, Jamia Millia Islamia University, New Delhi 110025, India. ABSTRACT Chemical modification of polyvinylalcohol ...

G1896A mutation in genotype D of hepatitis B virus stabilizes the RNA stem loop structure
Syed Ali Azam, Zaheenul Islam Siddiqui, Sabihur Rahman Farooqui, Masarrat Afroz, Syed Naqui KazimCentre for Interdisciplinary Research in Basic Sciences, ...

Synthesis and characterization of modified poly 2-hydroxyethylmethacrylate hydrogels
Syed Ishraque Ahmad, Nasreen MazumdarDepartment of Chemistry, Jamia Millia Islamia University, New Delhi 110025, India. ABSTRACT Hydrogels are those polymers ...

Synthesis and characterization of functionalized gum arabic based iodine complex
Syed Ishraque Ahmad, Nasreen MazumdarDepartment of Chemistry, Jamia Millia Islamia University, New Delhi 110025, India. ABSTRACT Hydrogels are those polymers ...

Treatment of drinking water using iodinated polymeric hydrogels
Syed Ishraque Ahmad, Nasreen MazumdarDepartment of Chemistry, Jamia Millia Islamia University, New Delhi 110025, India. ABSTRACT The technology for treatment ...

Development of specific PCR primers for detection of Ralstonia solanacearum strain P082
Alka Grover1, SK Chakrabarti2, Neetu Jabalia1, AK Shrivastava11Amity Institute of Biotechnology, Amity University, Noida, UP-201301, India.2Central Potato Research Institute, Shimla-171005, ...

Genetic variability and novel recombination in noroviruses from Delhi, India
Avinash Choudekar1, Rajesh1, Shama Parveen2, V.L.N. S. Raghuram1, Shinjini Bhatnager3, Lalit Dar1, Shobha Broor11Department of Microbiology, All India Institute of ...

Cloning and expression of codon optimized trans-membrane G protein gene of group B Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) in mammalian cells
Wajihul Hasan Khan1, VL N S. Raghuram2, Shama Parveen1, Shobha Broor21Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Basic Sciences, Jamia Millia Islamia, ...

Chalcone scaffold: Synthesis, modification, characterization, molecular properties and screening against microbes
Tuhfa, Mohammad Younus Wani, Mohammad Arshad, Tazeem, Fareeda AtharCentre for Interdisciplinary Research in Basic Sciences, Jamia Millia Islamia, (Central University), ...

Centella asiatica extract protects against both inflammation and oxidative stress in collagen-induced arthritis rat model
Shikha Sharma, Sonu Chand ThakurCentre for Interdisciplinary Research in Basic Sciences, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi-110025, India. AABSTRACT ABSTRACT Present ...

Molecular analysis of attachment glycoprotein genes (G genes) of group B Respiratory Syncytial Virus strains from India
V.L. N. S. Raghuram1, Wajihul Hasan Khan2, Shama Parveen2, Shobha Broor11Department of Microbiology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New ...

Induction of MAPK- 4 during zeatin- Alternaria Brassicae challenge in host, non-host and tolerant transgenic brassica against alternaria blight and In-Silico prediction of its upstream kinases
Kamal Kumar Marmath, Priyanka Giri, Gohartaj, Sugandha Sharma, Dinesh Pandey, Anil KumarMolecular Biology and Genetic Engineering, College of Basic Science ...

Presence of stop codon mutation responsible for premature truncation of precore protein among hbeag positive patients
Sabihur Rahman Farooqui, Masarrat Afroz, Syed Ali Azam, Siddiqui, Syed Naqui KazimCentre for Interdisciplinary Research in Basic Sciences, Jamia Millia ...

Hepatitis B virus isolates of genotypes A and D from Indian population harbor consistent loci of variations
Zaheenul Islam Siddiqui, Syed Ali Azam, Masarrat Afroz, Sabihur Rahman Farooqui, Syed Naqui KazimCentre for Interdisciplinary Research in Basic Sciences, ...

Basal Core Promoter (BCP) mutations with respect to hepatitis B virus genotypes and serologic status
Masarrat Afroz, Sabihur Rahman Farooqui, Zaheenul Islam Siddiqui, Syed Ali Azam, Syed Naqui KazimCentre for Interdisciplinary Research in Basic Sciences, ...

Comparison of the DCT JPEG and wavelet image compression encoder for medical images
Farah Jamal Ansari, Aleem AliSection of Computer Engineering, University Polytechnic, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Jamia Millia Islamia (A Central ...

Effects of zinc sulphate supplementation on inflammatory marker and lipid levels in type-2 diabetic nephropathy patients 1-4
M Idreesh Khan1, Kauser Usman2, W Ali3, MZ Idris11Department of Community Medicine, CSM Medical University UP, Lucknow, India.2Department of Medicine, ...

Antioxidant defence system in Glycine Max (L.) under mercury chloride stress
Ruchi Srivasrava1, Riyazuddeen Khan2, Nikhat Manzoor1, Mahmooduzzafar21Department of Biosciences, faculty of Natural Sciences, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi-110025, India.2Environmental Botany ...

Effect of cadmium exposures on growth, physio-biochemical characteristics and antioxidant defence system of soybean (Glycine max L.)
Ruchi Srivastava1, Riyazuddeen Khan1, Nikhat Manzoor2, Mahmooduzzafar11Department of Biosciences, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Jamia Millia Islamia, New delhi-110025, India.2Department of ...

Circulating endothelial progenitor cells as prognostic biomarker in multiple myeloma
Archana Bhaskar1, Ritu Gupta2, Lalit Kumar3, Atul Sharma3, Sonu Chand Thakur41Laboratory Oncology Unit; Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Basic Sciences, ...

Study the effect of synthesized ionic liquid on the stability of bovine serum albumine
Jitendra Kumar Maurya, Meena Kumari, Muzaffar-ul-Hassan Mir, Rajan PatelCentre for Interdisciplinary Research in Basic Sciences, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi ...

Survival of proteins in the presence of high concentrations of urea
Sheeza Khan, Faizan AhmadCentre for Interdisciplinary Research in Basic Sciences, Jamia Millia Islamia, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi - 110025, India ...

Metagenome functional diversity in various paddy soils: A high throughput approach
Siva Karthik Varanasi, Pa Ragul, Sushmitha, Aarthi, Manisha Sajanani, P Koringa, TN PatelAnand Agricultural University, Hyderabad, India. ABSTRACT Paddy is ...

Effect of sequential deletion of five extra N-terminal residues on the stability of yeast iso-1-cytochrome c
Md. Anzarul Haque1, Shah Ubaid-ullah1, Sobia Zaidi1, Md. Imtiayaz Hassan1, JK Batra2, Faizan Ahmad11Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Basic Sciences, ...

Tracing functional divergence and positive selection in NifH/Bchl protein family
Subarna Thakur1, Asim K Bothra2, Arnab Sen11NBU Bioinformatics Facility, Department of Botany, University of North Bengal, Siliguri 734013, India.2Bioinformatics Chemoinformatics ...

Impediments in the implementation of polio eradication program
Gulnaz Bano, Mohd. Mazhar Ali Khan, Lubna SiddiquiA Case Study of Moradabad Division of Uttar Pradesh, India. ABSTRACT Polio is ...

Effect of crowding agent on the thermal stability of ribonuclease-A
Moin Ishrat, Faizan Ahmad, Asimul IslamProtein Research Lab., Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Basic Sciences, Jamia Millia Islamia, Jamia Nagar, ...

Diversity of bacterial isolates during high rate rotary drum composting
Akansha Bhatia1, Jitendra Sahoo2, Muntjeer Ali1, Sangeeta Madan3, Naseem Ahmed4, AA Kazmi1, Ranjana Pathania21 Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of ...

Heterocyclic azoles and their biological application as antimicrobials
Mohammad Arshad1, Tazeem1, AR Bhat2, Fareeda Athar11Centre for interdisciplinary research in basic sciences, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi-110025, India.2School of ...

Reclamation of sodic soil in North India through Acacia nilotica and Dalbergia sissoo
Jyoti Prakash, Saba HasanAmity Institute of Biotechnology, Amity University, Viraj Khand-5, Gomtinagar, Lucknow (U.P.)- 226010, India. ABSTRACT Uttar Pradesh (U.P.), ...

Cadmium treatment alters diadzene production in Glycine max (L.) seedling
Riyazuddeen Khan1, Ruchi Srivastava1, Nikhat Manzoor2, Mahmooduzzafar11Department of Biosciences, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Jamia Millia Islamia, New delhi-110025, India.2Department of ...

Cholesterol sensor based on sn-doped titanate nanostructures
Ashna Irfan, SG Ansari, ZA AnsariCentre for Interdisciplinary Research in Basic Sciences, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, India 110025, India ...

Application of nanostructured Cu-doped titanate for urea sensing
Mazhar-ul-Haque, ZA Ansari, SG AnsariCentre for Interdisciplinary Research in Basic Sciences, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, India 110025, India. ABSTRACT ...

Use of DNA sequences in nano-biosensing technique
Manoj K Patel1, Ved V Agrawal2, ZA Ansari3, Bansi D Malhotra3, SG Ansari31Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Basic Sciences, Jamia ...

Purification of a novel complex of annexin A4 and Fc fragment of IgG from goat kidney
Saurabh Vaishnav1, Wahiduzzaman2, Faizan Ahmad2, Md. Imtaiyaz Hassan21Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Basic Sciences, Jamia Millia Islamia, Jamia Nagar, New ...

Optimization, molecular properties prediction, in vitro antiamoebic activity and cytotoxicity evaluation of novel 2-methyl-5-nitro-1H-imidazole based Acyl-hydrazone library
Mohmmad Younus Wani1, Amir Azam2, Fareeda Athar11Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Basic Sciences, Jamia Millia Islamia (Central University), New Delhi-110025, ...

Metabolic characteristics of polycystic ovarian syndrome and its associated genetic polymorphisms in Indian women population
Irengbam Rocky Mangangcha1, Vikas Singh Rathore2, Indrakant K Singh1, O Bidyarani31Deshbandhu College, University of Delhi, Delhi, India.2Department of Zoology, University ...

Potential inhibitors of LdLip3 lipase targeting pathogens lipid metabolism to combat leishmaniasis
Saravanan Parameswaran, Vikash Kumar Dubey, Sanjukta PatraDepartment of Biotechnology, Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati, Assam, India. ABSTRACT Visceral Leishmaniasis caused ...

Mesenchymal stem cells stimulate in vivo antibody production by allostimulation
Divya Chaudhary, Tapas Kumar Goswami, Ashok Kumar Munjal, M Yaqoob WanidIndian Veterinary Research Institute, Izzatnagar, Bareilly, India. ABSTRACT Mesenchymal stem ...

Isolation, identification and screening of soil fungi for production of extra cellular protease and amylase
Saba Hasan, Neelam Shukla, Kuldeep Srivastava, Abhinav Vashistha, Agnivesh Sharma, Shridhar Mishra, Mayank Pandey, Shivbrat Upadhyay, Anoop Tiwari, Supriya Gupta, ...

Urea induced denaturation of yeast ISO-1 cytochrome c is not two state process
Syed Ikramul Hasan, Faizan AhmadProtein research laboratory, Centre for interdisciplinary research in basic science Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi-1100025, India ...

Assessment of p38α expression in HNSCC and effect of radiation therapy- pilot study
K Gill, BK Mohanti, S Kumar, S DeyDepartment of Biophysics and Department of Radiation Oncology, All India Institute of Medical ...

COX-2 as a serum marker and therapeutic agent for cancer
Abhay Kumar Singh, Rahul Kumar, Rajinder Parsad, Sharmistha DeyDepartment of Biophysics, and Surgery, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Ansari ...

Decoding the miRNAome of peripheral blood mononuclear cells by deep sequencing
Richa Bharti, Alok BhattacharyaSchool of Computational and Integrative Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi-110067, India. ABSTRACT MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are short ...

Disease diagnosis through EM waves
Mona RajhansJodhpur Institute of Engineering and Technology, School of Engineering and Technology for Girls; Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India. ABSTRACT Blood is ...

Folding and stability studies on naturally truncated form of C-phycoerythrin from cyanobacterium Phormidium tenue
Khalid Anwer1, Safikur Rahman1, Asha Parmar2, Avani Kaushal2, Datta Madamwar2, Faizan Ahmad1, Md Imtaiyaz Hassan11Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Basic ...

Spectral properties of the N-terminal variants of yeast ISO-1-cytochrome c
Sobia Zaidi1, Shah Ubaid-ullah1, Md. Anzarul Haque1, Md. Imtaiyaz Hassan1, JK Batra2, Faizan Ahmad11Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Basic Sciences, ...

Microwaves to detect the blood glucose level
Mona RajhansJodhpur Institute of Engineering and Technology, School of Engineering and Technology for Girls; Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India. ABSTRACT Diabetes is ...

Isolation and 16S R RNA gene sequence characterization of chromium reducing strain OS-4
M Oves, MS Khan, E Ahmad, A ZaidiDepartment of Agricultural Microbiology, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India. ABSTRACT A bacterial strain ...

Identification and expression profile of methylation and pseudouridylation guide and orphan snornas in Entamoeba histolytica
Rahul Sharma1, Devinder kaur1, Vandana Kumari1, Abhishek Kumar Gupta1, Alok Bhattacharya2, Sudha Bhattacharya11School of Environmental Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New ...

Analysis of protein expression profiles in human kidney: A systematic approach for determination of osmoregulatory mechanism
Md. Aasif Dar, Md. Imtaiyaz Hassan, Faizan AhmadCentre for Interdisciplinary Research In Basic Sciences, Jamia Millia Islamia, Jamia Nagar, New ...

Accessible surface area in the denatured proteins is the key factor for the perfect urea-methylamine compensation at 2:1 molar ratio under physiological conditions
Safikur Rahman, Faizan AhmadCentre for Interdisciplinary Research in Basic Sciences, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, 110025, India. ABSTRACT The potent ...

Role of salt in urea-methylamine compensation on protein stability and function
Md. Tabish Rehman, Safikur Rahman, Faizan AhmadCentre for Interdisciplinary Research in Basic Sciences, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, India 110 ...

Analysis of structural changes on functional domains of WRN gene responsible for werner syndrome
Babita SinghThe Bioinformatica Solutions, Lucknow, U. P., India. ABSTRACT Werner syndrome is a premature aging disorder that may serve as ...

ECG compression-a novel approach
Deepa Mathur1, Ranjan Maheshwari21 Department of Instrumentation Engineering, Government Polytechnic College, Kota-324007, Rajasthan, India2 Department of Electronics Engineering, University College of Engineering, Kota-324010, ...

Overcoming resistance to imatinib in chronic myeloid leukemia
Aditi Shrivastav, Ankita Parihar, Himani Gupta, Neetu Singh, Sudha SrivastavaDepartment of Biotechnology, JIIT University Noida. ABSTRACT Leukemia is an ever ...

Relevance of ectopic bone formation to the structure of TGF- β superfamily in stress condition; A molecular mechanic vs. clinical study
Babak Khalili HadadDepartment of Biological Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Roudehen Branch, Roudehen, Iran. ABSTRACT Formation of bone outside the skeletal ...

Insilico computation of the effects of antioxidants as potential drug candidates in inhibiting the tweak-FN14 pathway in humans leading to the radiation pathologies
Akanksha GuptaDepartment of Biotechnology, IMS Engineering College, Ghaziabad, India ...

DNA polymorphism: A biologically relevant phenomenon
Shrikant KukretiDepartment of Chemistry University of Delhi, Delhi 110 007, India. ABSTRACT Nucleic acids (DNA/RNA) are the functional forms of ...

Fungicidal activity of allyl alcohol by disrupting ergosterol biosynthesis and membrane integrity against Candida albicans
Snowber Yousuf, Nikhat Manzoor, Luqman A KhanDepartment of Biosciences, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi-110025, India. ABSTRACT This work is an ...

Biomarkers analysis of oxidative stress as indicator of environmental pollution in liver of walking cat fish (Clarias batrachus) from Yamuna River, Delhi
Asif Elahi1, Javed Ahmad2, Mohd. Nauman2, Humayra Bashir2, Farah Khan1, Mohd. Irfan Qureshi21Department of Biochemistry, Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi-110062, India.2Department ...

Comparative biological studies of allicin with phaenol
F Rehman, Samya MairajDepartment of Analytical Chemistry, Faiz-e-Am Degree College, Meerut, India. ABSTRACT Literature revealed that the different type of ...

Protective effect of curcumin on chromium-induced hepato and renal toxicity in mice
N Rashid1, A Rub21Department of Toxicology, Hamdard University, New Delhi-110062, India.2Department of Biotechnology, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi-110025, India. ABSTRACT ...

Synthesis, characterization of heterocyclic compounds and their application as antibacterial theraputic agents
Tazeem1, Mohammad Arshad1, AR Bhat2, Fareeda Athar11 Centre for interdisciplinary research in basic sciences, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi-110025, India2 School of Biotechnology, Yeungnum University, ...

Role of mitochondrial antioxidants in tolerance against radiation stress in plants
Indrakant K Singh1, Archana Singh2, Pratishtha Rai3, Irengbam Rocky Mangangcha11Deshbandhu College, University of Delhi, New Delhi, India.2Hans Raj College, University ...